Yasra Rizvi in Ayesha Web Series is portraying a woman who is ambitious but she needs husband approval to fulfil her dreams. Ayesha Web Series starring Yasra Rizvi and Sarmad Khoosat is a Pakistani Web- Series. Ayesha is a home-maker and lives a simple life with her husband Fahad and son.
Her husband is like every second (if not all) Pakistani husband who thinks that their work and passions are more important than their wives. Those who think that their wives will bring shame to them if they will do work. Ayesha Web Series stresses the fact that husbands should be supportive and wives need care and attention too. I am well aware of this fact that husbands care and attention depends on their moods, if they want, they can take you to the sky, otherwise they just insult in one minute and later say they were just joking.
When Ayesha tries to talk to Fahad about starting a YouTube channel, Fahad gives no attention and neither he is interested. Unless people start noticing her, appreciating or criticizing her, then he comes and asks her to stop.
Ayesha decides to leave her YouTube channel because her husband does not like it. However, when her husband realizes that in office, she has more demand and everyone is upset about her quitting. He asks Ayesha to continue her channel and also supports her.
People criticize this in the sense that a husband does not support his wife’s dreams neither he recognizes or appreciates his wife’s talent. It’s only after when people make him realizes that Ayesha has the talent and she is in demand. Especially when Fahad realizes that his boss’s wife likes Ayesha’s exercise channel and he can get benefit from it by arranging a meeting between them.
Ayesha Web Series show at the end that Fahad talks to his wife to continue her passion, but overall the situation seems like the above-mentioned scenario. Maybe like a common man, Fahad feels insulted when some people mock his wife online or maybe he starts noticing her when other people fix their gazes on her.

The performances by both Yasra Rizvi and Sarmad Khoosat are brilliant, especially Yasra who portrayed every emotion with perfection.
This is a common sight if a husband does not like some idea or does not like his wife’s dream, hobby or job, he does not allow it and normally wife does so as husbands want.
Mostly the scenario is husband works, they always say that we are too busy to listen to your problems. You do not work or earn so you do not have any idea about it. The wives sit at home and in the modern age, most are educated. If they do not have any job, all they have to do to wait for a husband and at the end of the day they have to listen that we do not have time.
If someone gets tired of listening to all this and decides to focus on their ambitions or hobbies, suddenly the complaints start that you do not care about the house or children. There is no need to work etc.
In my opinion, it should solely depend on a woman, whether she wants to do the job after marriage or not. Whether she wants to start some business from home or not. It is better for her sanity and if she follows her dreams she can do better in her life.
Where on YouTube, we can see that many young women have started their channels. These include beauty channels to cooking etc. The one thing is, these women do not need to go outside of their homes, they can take care of their children too and besides they can earn. What’s wrong with this? Those who are camera shy, they can also do lots of work behind cameras.
Channels, Vlogs, blogging, etc are not surprising these days, however, still, there are families who do not like this idea. The situation has changed a lot during the lockdown where many people had to sit at their homes. Many people have started their channels and other platforms for online earning. Many women have come forward and became successful in gaining viewers.

More than this, Ayesha Web Series promotes the idea that if you do not care about your wife, at least when she starts thinking about herself, try to support her.
Ayesha Web Series is short but overall is a good concept to promote those women that work from home and it also shows that husbands should support their wives’ ambitions and passion. This is what we meant by life-partners, if the wife supports him in every decision, he should also think about it.