If we want to eradicate child labor, we have to understand its reasons and we have to see both sides of the coin.
Causes of Child Labor:
We always talk about that child labor should be banned and strict action should be taken against people who use children as workers.
Child labor cannot be stopped unless every house
in this country can afford to eat at least three meals a day
The children who work as servants or helper in the house of rich people, where they are treated badly as we hear or read the stories of child abuse and beating to death etc.
On the other side, there are houses in which these poor children get an education, have shelter and get married.
No doubt, they also use them for household tasks. But the worse situation is in Bricks kiln or some other place like this. Not only they have to work day and night but also everyone has their lustful eyes especially on girls and women in these kinds of places. Later they are also forced to work as sex workers.
Both of these are not the escape route for these poor and innocent souls.
I personally never liked the idea of hiring a child as a helper in house chores. Along with the other reason, the first reason is, I really do not like how children of the house behave with the servant child as if he or she is their property. Parents of those houses just sit and watch how their children are misbehaving with that servant child.
It depends on parents’ upbringing whether they are turning their children into a kindhearted people or a cruel, arrogant person who will later spread poison in society.
The other reason is I do not like the idea of hiring a male or female child as a helper because it is very hard to keep an eye on them and always observe them along with your children.
The incidents of sexually abused child workers or at the other side children of the house sexually involved with them. It happens on both sides. The children are innocent in both cases, they do not know about sexual exploitation. We have to see both sides of the coin.

Child labor cannot be stopped unless every house in this country can afford to eat at least three meals a day
The children who work as servants or helper in the house of the rich people, where they are treated badly as we hear or read the stories of child abuse and beating to death etc. On the other side, there are houses in which these poor children get an education, have shelter and get married.
No doubt, they also use them for household tasks. But the worse situation is in Bricks kiln or some other place like this. Not only they have to work day and night but also everyone has their lustful eyes especially on girls and women in these kinds of places. Later they are also forced to work as sex workers.
Both of these are not the escape route for these poor and innocent souls.
I personally never liked the idea of hiring a child as a helper in house chores. Along with the other reason, the first reason is, I really do not like how children of the house behave with the servant child as if he or she is their property. Parents of those houses just sit and watch how their children are misbehaving with that servant child.
It depends on parents’ upbringing whether they are turning their children into a kindhearted people or a cruel, arrogant person who will later spread poison in society.
The other reason is I do not like the idea of hiring a male or female child as a helper because it is very hard to keep an eye on them and always observe them along with your children.
The incidents of sexually abused child workers or at the other side children of the house sexually involved with them. It happens on both sides. The children are innocent in both cases, they do not know about sexual exploitation. We have to see both sides of the coin.
Why there is child labour?
We know that people hire children because they can force them by threatening to do more work on fewer wages. There are a number of articles, news and even there is a special day celebrated to stop child labor. But why we do not focus more on why there are so many children into labor.
We always talk about the punishment of those who hire these children. Hardly have we talked about the problems and helplessness of these children.
Who are the children that are forced into labor?
1: Children of those who do not work themselves, drinking or wasting money in gambling. They compelled their sons or daughters to work instead of giving them food and education.
2: Children of those who cannot work and earn and yet one of their sons took that responsibility at such a young age and decide that he will support his family.
3: Children of orphans. There is no elder in their houses to earn so they are compelled by nature to earn.
4: Children, who do not like the idea of studying so they run away from schools and prefer to earn. Kidnapped children, slavery cases are less. Mostly the children who we see around us are from the above categories. These categories of children go to some shop or house and request to hire them, as there is no choice. They are also compelled to sell books, toys, food or they become beggars.
If they would have food in their stomach, no one can force them to come out and work for them. I know deep down there is a dark business where children are abducted and forced to do various kinds of deeds. But here I am talking about those children that we see doing work as laborers in various kinds of shops, streets and in houses.
Where are we wrong in understanding child labour?
First, there should be a crack down for those parents specifically fathers who are not working. We should stop judging that only rich people can exploit, the poor can also. There can be another side of the story in which a poor person can use his children to grab money from the rich.
Insane people can be found in both classes if rich people are insane and cruel enough to beat or harassed poor. The poor can also be insane to leave their children especially their daughters in a rich household.
Without ending poverty,
child labor cannot be
eradicated from our society.
You can stop a child from doing labor, bring him books and give him some money. But who is going to provide at least food three times a day until he will get an education and stand on his own feet to earn a respectable job? People can help just once, click photos and leave the other person on fate. Child labor cannot stop until people are not getting money to buy household things especially food.
It cannot be stopped until there is a check on poor people’s houses. NGOs are working well in Pakistan, but the problem that I see is, NGOs cannot keep an eye on every person whether they use that money on his family or lose it in gambling. The same goes for the government’s plans to remove child labor.
The poor parents who are doing hard work, their children are getting an education. The only problem is in those houses, where there is no elder to earn or do not want to earn. No plans can be successful until there would be a keen observation and eye on people and unless we see both sides of the coins.
You cannot stop child labor by just threatening people that they cannot hire them. By doing this, you are only instigating these children on theft or robbery because they have no other option than to do labor.