Home Entertainment Domestic violence and Women in Pakistan

Domestic violence and Women in Pakistan

by Naz khaliq
Domestic Violence
 Domestic Violence

‘Domestic violence is not a new phrase to hear, it is common in our surroundings. We hear lots of incidents of domestic violence in Pakistan on women. Mostly these kinds of incidents are seen in that class where there is a lack of education (as we think). We know that education brings awareness and because of this, a man behaves himself. 

However, many times education cannot change someone’s evil nature. These people are worse than those uneducated ones. If you think that only the lower class (as we think they are) treat their women badly, you are wrong. It happens in all classes. As education or money cannot change someone’s evil nature and cannot create morality in them. 

Recently on social media, everyone went into shock by the news of ‘Domestic violence’ by an actor Mohsin Abbas Haider against his wife Fatema. The incident of domestic abuse is not new but the thing that shocked everyone is that many people like Mohsin’s work and recently he used social media to point out how he is struggling with depression and all. Definitely, his wife took great courage to come forward. Here is the post by Mohsin’s wife Fatema:

Mohsin Abbas wife Fatima statement regarding domestic violence

   Now the stupid statements that people are making: 

Why she is complaining now about domestic violence?

 The answer is because a woman tries her best to save her marriage, it does not matter if she is educated or not, all she wants is her husband by her side and especially for her children, she tolerates every kind of shit. 

We should wait and hear the other side of the story:

 We need that when no one comes forward to support that woman. But there are some celebrities like Dua Malik and Gohar Rasheed who have cleared that they are witnesses of Mohsin’s brutality. (the same witness proof that was lacking in Meesha Shafi’s case, so we believed that Meesha was wrong). 

There is also one video circulating in which Mohsin is admitting that his anger is very bad and he throws things in anger. But who knew that he likes to throw things at his wife too. The other proof is by his Girlfriend who has posted his picture with love caption on her Instagram. Leaving all these things aside, what about all the bruises on his wife’s body. Who did this, or maybe he will soon say that she hurt herself to defame him? 

It’s their personal matter, she should keep this in private:

I personally have this belief that matters should be between families. But here the scenario is different. Mohsin is a person whose life is not private in the sense that he has many fans who are inspired by him( hope so, after this, they will reconsider this). 

When these celebrities give interviews, people think they are showing their true humble nature but that is also the personality that they want to show. He publicly claimed that he is suffering from depression to gain sympathy. Then why his wife cannot come forward and show his barbarism. And the way he abused her with his official Facebook account proves that he is a psycho who needs therapy but not from doctors but is now in jail. 

The below image shows what kind of psychopath he is. (He is abusing his wife on his social media account and calling her a whore) 

Domestic violence of Mohsin Abbas on his wife
Why we should talk about this domestic violence incident?

When people can talk about actors’ dresses, and physical appearance, and appreciate them for their work then why they cannot take part in a rising voice against injustice.

People are even ready to declare hell and heaven for actors then why they cannot raise their voices against violence. It’s the same case when we see some man beating his wife on the street, we think it’s their personal matter. And then after some days, we hear that he killed her. I know there are problems between husband and wife.

Sometimes after marriage, they realize that they cannot be happy together. So the best thing is to keep your ways separate. Divorce is still a taboo in our society, our society is cruel and does not think about the happiness and lives of the women and only thinks about exploiting these women and making their life hell. 

However, whether you are unhappy about your marriage, nobody gives you a right to beat your wife. If Allah had given you more physical strength than women, then use it in something effective. And if you think you are more powerful than her, then where is your manhood that only works in the case of the weak creature.  

 domestic violence
The image belongs to its owner

I am using this man’s comment just to show the common mentality of our society. Society thinks that a woman should tolerate every kind of behaviour from her husband and wait for a miracle. I agree with a relationship work with tolerance but how much tolerance a woman has to practice.

I had witnessed an old couple in my neighborhood, the man used to beat his wife and he was above 60 or 70 years old. His old wife did not leave him all her life and tolerated him. Many times neighbors came to help her. My point is, once an animal always an animal.

There are very few kinds that can change and you cannot sit and wait for your death. ( do not worry this man is circulating too on twitter, I just blurred him to show some decency from my side). Domestic violence is a big no in any case.  

One more thing that I would like to mention people are comparing this incident with the second marriage, home breaking and all. This has nothing to do with that.


A man does not need an excuse for the second woman to beat his wife. Moreover, there is a difference between second marriage and having an illegitimate relationship with someone and beating someone is totally different scenario. (I am talking in the context of Mohsin’s girlfriend) 

Domestic violence not only disturbs the mental health of the woman but also her child that sees her/his parents argue and quarrel all day and night. Some people are concerned about justice that after some time, Fatema will be silent maybe for the sake of her child. It can be possible because this happens many times.

My opinion is, that we should play our part to raise our voices against domestic violence. We should show these animals that society can support victims. Rest, we should leave on the justice system and Fatima.

1 comment

Iqrakhaliq July 21, 2019 - 3:53 pm

We as a part of society should takepart and help those who need help.the least we can do is to call bad BAD ..


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