IJT is the abbreviation of Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba and it is the student organization of the Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan.
It’s been a long time that student organizations in education institutions are banned. When I was in school, I often heard about students’ fights every second day, particularly in universities. However, it’s been a while that these student organizations are banned.
Although recently, there was a protest by some particular groups that there should be some student organizations. However, they have done more wrong than good.
- Firstly, students who go to university for study, they have no concern regarding these student unions or organizations. They try to stay away from any kind of violence or at least politics.
- Secondly, there are injustice and discrimination towards many students especially those who have no connection with some influential people. However, when there were unions, they used to beat professors and even without study they used to get good marks. They just beat every random person here and there.
- Thirdly, one of the reason and that is good too that politicians used these student unions to manipulate students’ minds. Not only this, but they also try to create fear in students’ minds and force them to vote in their favor.
Although I also think that there should be some kind of organization that helps the student without creating fear, however, I am not sure that it is possible in education institutions. So the only way to facilitate students is to have checks and balances on the actions of professors and clerical staff etc.
No one has serious kind of issues in universities, other than professors harass or threaten female students to give them sexual favor. If not this kind of extreme, at least ask them to go out for lunch or to flirt with them is common. This issue is very serious and needs immediate attention because female students or even staff keep their mouth shut to not make some controversy. This is not about Pakistan only, I know very well it is happening all over the world.
Anyways coming back towards student unions and organizations, I came to know about IJT through some conversations or later when I read about Zia-Ul-Haq. IJT came into power during the Zia era. I have heard a lot about their hegemony in Punjab University Lahore. Punjab university is one of the best universities in Pakistan and even its merit is very high.
However, one negative aspect about this university is the influence of IJT. I do not know why media does not talk about it. I mean, the simple thing is if it is true, then there should be strict action to remove them from education institutions. If not, then at least clear the doubts and clear the name of Punjab University.
As I have heard, they beat students for sitting with girls or girls with boys. It’s ridiculous as the university has co-education and I guess they need to understand the meaning of that. I have no issue as I did not experience it. However, my point is, if other universities of Pakistan are clean from student unions what IJT is doing in Punjab university.
Recently, there is also news that they beat Pashtun in university. While I do not believe in playing victim card on the base of religion, community, sector or cast because it’s all about a war between powerful and weak and these all has nothing to do with that. Moreover, it is not obligatory for students to force others what they should do. It has nothing to do with ethnicity.
I remember one two horrible incidents at the culture festival of my own university, it was my first and probably the last event where there is the mingling of male and female students. The reason is many males do not have any ethics or morals and they do not know how to behave in the company of women. They just go crazy by seeing a glimpse of women. Again, it is all about the power that they feel. (Although, it was a peaceful university sometimes and particularly in gathering, no one can control these useless minds.
In my opinion, college, universities are places, where we go to get an education that paves our way to better career opportunities. There is no need for this kind of students unions. I am well aware of the corruption in departments (experienced that), sexist remarks and even sexual approaches, however, it should be handled by the university administration and not by students. Students should focus on their studies and stay away from these kinds of issues.
Government (if they get free time from giving mere statements) should deeply observe all the activities, incidents that occur in educational institutions including schools, colleges, and universities. Because this is the first and last stage where someone learns best or worst.