Ironic dialogues and Irony are the biggest and main elements of the Netflix drama You that are uttered by Joe and Beck. The biggest Irony is when the protagonist is actually the antagonist. However, we are unable to hate it because the irony is that the protagonist Joe behaves, acts and justifies his every act. Moreover, the irony is we start finding faults in other characters and we feel sympathy for him.
As the whole drama is based on irony here are some of the most Ironic Dialogues or quotes by Joe and Beck that we found in You.
Number one:
“The first step to fix something is to know no matter how destroyed it seems ,it can always be saved”.
Netflix You/Joe
These valuable words are from Joe who thinks that even if there are things of humans there is always a way to save them. Just like, he found confused and broken Beck and tries his best to save her .(irony )
Number Two:
“I’m some kind of magnet for dudes with serious issues”.
Netflix You/Beck
Yes,Beck, you have no idea that you are and already are in a relationship with a dude with serious issues.
Number Three:
“why he would want to kill him, who wants to kill people”.
Netflix You/ Joe
Joe says this to Benji and yes Joe why you will kill people and who wants to kill people, unless they get in your way of love or your lover (irony)
Number Four:
“The books are more alive and more worthy than all the people he knows.”
Netflix You/ Joe
Joe spent all his life with books and he knows their worth. Perhaps he gets all the ideas of how to bury someone from crime novels.(irony)
Number Five:
“The more you want me, the less I want you”.
Netflix You/Beck
When you wanted Joe “more” Beck?. He tried his best to get you and all you did was cheat. Even when you were in a relationship with him, you cheated on him. you never wanted him more. You were confused and could not want him more. (ironic situation)

Number six:
“Sometimes it scares me to love someone completely not have them to love you Back.”
Netflix You/Joe
But you fell in love with a person who could never love you completely. You tried your best to be a perfect man but could not get her. You kidnapped and killed people for her, but she could never love you. You did all for her even killed her. (Irony)
Number Seven:
“You learned that You did n’t have that magic that can turn a beast into a prince”.
Netflix You/Beck
(One of my favorite quotes) Beck is unable to change Joe and thinks something was lacking in her and that she could not change him. However, in the first place, Joe does not think that he has done anything wrong. From Killing Benji to Peach to even Beck, he is justified in his ways, so how can he thinks he was a beast? (Irony)
Number Eight:
“Sometimes we do bad things for the people we love. It does not mean it is right. It means love is more important”.
Netflix You/ Joe
We agree with Joe, sometimes in love, we try to do everything possible whether we like it or not. Whether it is right or wrong. We just focus on the happiness of other people and we neglect ourselves.
Some people try to do everything possible to get the person they love and they do not care how many people are coming in their way.
Not only Irony is present in Joe’s character, the biggest irony regarding Beck is she herself cheats on Joe but remains anxious and jealous about his relationship with his ex-girlfriend. These are the ironic quotes that we found in Joe and Beck’s dialogues.