Home Knowledge List of Important Antonyms to Prepare for Job Tests /200+ English MCQs

List of Important Antonyms to Prepare for Job Tests /200+ English MCQs

by Naz khaliq

We are sharing a list of important antonyms with meanings that will help you to prepare for your tests, interviews and exams. The portion of antonyms are an important part of any test and to do your best you have to get knowledge about them. If you are preparing for exams of early classes or if you want to get good marks in job-related tests, you should get the knowledge about antonyms.

Antonyms are the words that are opposite in meaning to another, for example, the antonym of good is bad. Here is the list of Antonyms:

List of Antonyms:

1: Fierce / Mild

2: Ugly / Beautiful

3: abstract / concrete

4: Hidden / Open

5: Radiating / dark or dull

6: Dearth/ Abundance

7: Rejection/ Acceptance

8: Disadvantage/ Advantage

9: Prosperity/ Adversity

10: Synthesis / Analysis

11: Descendants/ Ancestors

12: Departure/ Arrival

13: Descent/ Ascent

14: Ugliness/ Beauty

15: End / Beginning

16: Disbelief/ Belief

17: Cowardice / Bravery

18: Neglect / Care

19: Barbarism / Civilization

20: Rudeness / Civility

21: Discredit/ Credit

22: Debator/ Creditor

23: Night / Day

24: Surplus / Deficit

25: Premium / Discount

26: Health / Disease

27: Giant / Dwarf

28: Flow / Ebb

29: Extravgance / Economy

30: Sadness /Happiness

31: Delay/ Haste

32: Tail / Head

33: Hell / Heaven

34: Despair / Hope

35: Knowledge / Ignorance

36: Export / Import

37: Sorrow / Joy

38: Seniority / Juniority

39: Minor / Major

40: Servant / Master

41: Minimum / Maximum

42: Demerit / Merit

43: Rest / Motion

44: Defendant / Plaintiff

45: Scarcity / Plenty

46: Prose/ Poetry

47: Absence/ Presence

48: Humility / Pride

49: Front / Rear

50: Relapse / Recovery

51: Danger/ Safety

52: Frown/ Smile

53: Depression / Elevation

54: Exit / Entrance

55: Inequiality / Equality

56: Interior / Exterior

57: Fiction / Fact

58: Truth / Falsehood

59: Infamy / Fame

60: Slavery / Freedom

61: Loss / Gain

62: Liquid / Solid

63: Antonym / Synonym

64:Intolerance/ Tolerance

65: Bottom / Top

66: Abuse / Use

67: Defeat / Victory

68: Vice / Virtue

69: Peace / War

70: Folly / Wisdom

71: Passive / Active

72: Illegal / Legal

73: Disagreeable/ Agreeable

74: Illiterate / Literate

75: Modern / Ancient

76: Low / Loud

77: Inanimate / Animate

78: Disloyal / Loyal

79: Inattentive / Attentive

80: Feminine / Masculine

81: Civilized / Barbarous

82: Proud / Meek

83: Fertile / Barren

84: Physical / Mental

85: Ugly / Beautiful

86: Immortal/ Mortal

87: Injurious / Beneficial

88: Timid / Bold

89: Immovable / Movable

90: Dull / Bright

91: Foreign / Native

92: Narrow / Broad

93: Artificial / Natural

94: Careless / Careful

95: Positive / Negative

96: Uncertain / Certain

97: Ignoble / Noble

98: Dear / Cheap

99: Even / Odd

100: Dirty / Clean

101: Written / Oral

102: Stupid / Clever

103: Extraordinary / Ordinary

104: Cancave / Convax

105: Temporary / Permanent

106: Incorrect/ Correct

107: Impolite / Polite

108: Kind / Cruel

109: Impracticable/ Practicable

110: Shallow / Deep

111: Theoretical/ Practical

112: Offensive / defensive

113: Private / Public

114: Unequal/ Equal

115: Impure

116: Pure / Impure

117: Unfaithful / Faithful

118: Ripe / Raw

119: Near / Far

120: Unreal / Real

121: Lean, thin/ Fat

122: Irregular / Regular

123: Initial / final

124: Irreligious/ Religious

125: Unfortunate / Fortunate

126: Complex / Simple

127: Stale / Fresh

128: Plural / Singular

129: Small / Great

130: Fast / Slow

131: Innocent / Guilty

132: Familiar/ Strange

133: Soft / Hard

134: Curved / Straight

135: Low / High

136: Insufficiet / Sufficient

137: Dishonest / Honest

138: Sour / Sweet

139:Dishonest / Honest

140: Sour / Sweet

141: Cold / Hot

142: Thin / Thicck

143: Unimportant / Importantn

144: Varied / Uniformt

145: Uninteresting / Interesting

146: Senior // Junior

147: Unkind / Kind

148: Unlawful/ Lawful

149: Refined / Vulgar

150: Gentle / Violent

151: Cool / Warm

152: Foolish / Wise

153: Old / Young

154: Reject / Accept

155: Retreat / Advance

156: Deny / Affirm

157: Disagree / Agree

158: Forbid / Allow

159: Disappear / Appear

160: Disarm / Arm

161: Disperse / Assemble

162: Repel / attract

163:Disfigure / Beautify

164: Distribute / Collect

165: Reveal/ Conceal

166: Weaken / Consolidate

167: Discontinue / Continue

168: Expand / CPntract

169: Increase / Decrease

170: Ascend / Descend

171: Comfort / Dsitress

172: Discourage / Ecourage

173: Scater / Gather

174: Take / Give

175: Come / Go

176: Hinder / Help

177: Seek / Hide

178: Dishonour / Honour

179: Heal / Hurt

180: Exclude / Include

181: Exhale / Inhale

182: Weep / Laugh

183: Follow / LEad

184: Borow / Lend

185: Unlock / Lock

186: Dismount / Mount

187: Disobey / Obey

188: Refuse / Offer

189: Dissuade/ PErsuade

190: Displease / Please

191: Permit / Prohibit

192: Forget / Remember

193: Fall / Rise

194: Weaken / Strengthen

195: Untie / Tie

196: Disunite / Unite

197:Sleep / Wake

198: Below / Above

199: Frequently/ Occasionally

200: Early / Late

201: Quickly/ Slowly

Important Questions on Antonyms/ Antonyms MCQ’s

important antonyms

To prepare more English MCQs related to antonyms look below:

202: Secret:

A: friendly

B: covert

C: Hidden

D: Overt

Answer: Overt

203: HeartFelt:

A: Humorous

B: Lovely

C: Insincere

D: Healthy

Answer: Insincere

204: Impartial (without prejudice):

A; Worried

B: Biased

C: Hostile

D: Dislike

Answer: Biased

205: Luminous (Radiating, Reflecting):

A: Clever

B: Brittle

C: Clear

D: dim

Answer: Dim

206: Awe ( deep respect, veneration):

A: Borrow

B: Shallow

C: Low

D: Contempt

Answer: Contempt (lack of respect)

207: Pit (hole):

A: top

B: Peak

C: Select

D: Peak

Answer: Peak (top of a hill)

208: Rotund (rounded or plump):

A: Unimportant

B: Thin

C: Dull

D: Fat

Answer: Thin

209: Talent (artistic or creative ability):

A: Inability

B: Ungrateful

C: Silent

D: show

Answer: Inability

210: Common (ordinary, familiar):

A: Strange

b: Uneasy

C: Quick

D: Fast

Answer: Strange

211: Brazen (Defiant, Insolent):

A: Boisterous

B: Heated

C; Noisy

D: Bashful

Answer: Bashful (shy or timid)

212: Expect (to wait, look forward):

A: Attend

B: Regret

C: Despair

D: Loathe

Answer: Despair (to lose hope)

213: Malodorous (have a bad smell):

A: Acrid

B: Pungent

C: fragrant

d: Delicious

Answer: Fragrant

214: Expound (to explain):

A: confuse

B: Condemn

C: Confine

D: Besmirch

Answer: Confuse

215: Pique (excite, irritate):

A: Soothe

B: Gully

C: Smooth

D: Value

Answer: Sooth

216: Abate (to reduce in degree and intensity):

A: Augment

B: Wane

C: Free

D: Provoke

Answer: Augment (to increase)

217: Dearth (lack of something):

A: Poverty

B: Abundance

C: Lack

D: Foreign

Answer: Abundance

218: Peaked (pale):

A: Arrogant

B: ruddy

C: pointy

D: tired

Answer: Ruddy (red complexion):

219: Abridge (shorten):

A: Easy

B: Extend

C: Stress

D: Shorten

Answer: Extend

220: Kindle (start burning):

A: Smother

B: Detest

C: Enemy

D: Discourage

Answer: smother

221: Meager (lacking in quality or quantity) (Meagre):

A: Generous

B: Kind

C: Copious

D: thoughtful

Answer: Copious (large quantity)

222: Zenith (highest point):

A: Worst

B: Apex

C: nadir

d: Past

Answer: Nadir (lowest point)

223: Germane (appropriate, relevant):

A: Irrelevant

B: Indifferent

C: Impartial

D: Improvident

Answer: Irrelevant

224: WithDraw:

A: Reduce

B: Need

C: Advance

D: Want

Answer: advance

225: Aprobate (approve):

A: Ingratitude

b: Condemn

c: Dissatisfaction

D: Master

Answer: Condemn

226: Supercilious :

A: Unimportant

B: relevant

C: Serious

d: Meek

Answer: Meek

227: Improvident (careless):

a: Cautious

b: Fortunate

C: Proven

D: Intelligent

Answer: Cautious

228: Demur (delay, hesitate):

A: embrace

B: Crude

C: Boisterous

D: Falter

Answer: Embrace

229: Fatuous (foolish):

A: Crafty

B: Frugal

c: Sensible

d: Inane

Answer: Sensible

230: Quiescent (inactivity):

A: lackadaisical

b: active

C: dull

d: prescient

Answer: active

231: Sartorial ( tailored clothes):

a: cheerful

B: sincere

C: Inelegant

d: homespun

Answer: homespun

231: Sapient (processing great wisdom):

a: hunched

b: strong

c: simple

d: Simian

Answer: simple

232: Matutinal (relating to morning):

A: paternal

B: crepuscular

C: maritime

D: marsupial

Answer: crepuscular (twilight)

232: Impecunious (little or no money):

a: wealthy

B: cautious

c: hungry

d; tardy

Answer: wealthy

233: Detain (to hold o keep back):

A; release

B: silence

c: Forget

d: Prosper

Answer: release

234: Famous:

a: Boring

B: poor

c: Obscure

d: Untalented

Answer: Obscure

235: Colossal (incredibly large):

A: easy

B: Tiny

C: graceful

d: roof

Answer: Tiny

236: Fluid:

A: solid

B: liquid

C: afraid

D: decent

Answer: solid

237: Continue:

A: Curve

B: argue

C: Carry

D: Pause

Answer: Pause

238: Labor:

A: amuse

B: cat

c: rest

D: strive

Answer: rest

239: Brawny:

A: Swift

B: Weak

C: strong

D: Pale

Answer: weak

240: Fickle:

A: Steady

B: Kind

C: Please

D: Finagle

Answer: steady

241: Inept:

A: clumsy

B: Infer

C: Competent

D: Foolish

Answer: competent

242: Pivotal:

A: turning

B: Wavy

C: unimportant

D: Clear

Answer: unimportant

243: Cursed:

A: swore

B: pious

C: unfortunate

D: Lucky

Answer: lucky

244: Candid:

A: unkind

B: blunt

C: valid

D: dishonest

Answer: dishonest

245: Flaunt:

A: regard

B: sink

C: hide

D: propose

Answer: hide

246: Heal:

A: Sew

B: foot

C: good

D: maim

Answer: maim (to injure)

247: Pacify:

A: excite

B: land

C: coddle

D: unhand

Answer: excite

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