Majority vs Minority is not the new phenomena it is the problem since the world is created by God.
It is not about religion, caste, ethnicity and sects, its all about majority vs minority, powerful vs weak or rich vs poor.
People complain daily that because we belong to this particular religion, so people of other religion is making our life hell. People complain that this caste has occupied important seats or sustain power in society. People complain that we are targeted by others because we belong to this and that sects. People complain that we belong to that province or we have that specific ethnicity so people are not giving us rights.
People think that it is because of religion or sects, it is because of caste or ethnicity, it is because they are living in a country that is intolerant.
However, in my opinion, nothing matters, it is a game of power and it is all about majority vs minority. It is said that the majority is authority, however, if we look deeply it is all about powerful people.
This power can be in term of religion, caste, ethnicity or sect.
The most important element that sustains power is wealth and financial superiority. It does not matter if it is to live in the world or to live in society.
If we look around in society, we see that those people who are financially strong and have lots of wealth, everyone respects them and afraid to harm them in any way. The reason is people know that they have to get benefit from them and also they cannot take the risk to make them angry.
The same rule applies to live in this world. The relationship between countries depends on who can give more benefits in business/trading and whose partnership can help to create an atmosphere of fear for other countries. I am not going to take countries name but anyone who can observe the hegemony of some specific countries can see it.
One incident happens in some country, all the human rights organizations intervene and start criticizing and even threaten to break all ties. Similar kinds of the incident even more worse or even in countless numbers, the world says this is their personal matter and their rulers know it better. The hypocrisy is because one country is better in the economy and other is not. Again it’s all about power in the form of a strong economy.
Majority vs Minority in terms of religion:
It is a reality if a country has a majority that belongs to any kind of religion, it gets more rights than a minority. There is nothing to complain about. Suppose if Pakistanis prefer to live outside of Pakistan, they have to live according to that country’s rules. They have to live as a minority and there is nothing to complain about. The same goes for Muslims in non-Muslims countries. It is the same as Non-Muslim lives in Muslim majority country Pakistan. The minority gets their right according to their population and according to the rules of the government.
I have no issue with that. The issue is when there is violence regarding minorities. I mean you (majority) are already enjoying every right in education and in jobs etc. Why you are not satisfied. I am saying this to all countries Muslim, Non-Muslim does not matter. Why there is no humanity left and why there is zero tolerance in humans.
Anyone who is living in your country whether he is Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh or belong to any other religion even if he/she is an Atheist, no one has the right to do violence on them. Moreover, it is good that we claim that this is our country but who gives us the right to say to other people who belong to other religions that this is not their country.
Believe me, if you want that only the majority should live in your country, even then you cannot live with harmony. Then the fight will be between rich and poor, between different casts (regarding Pakistan, India because I guess, only cast system exists here), between the rights of different provinces. Even we fight on the basis of our gender too.
I guess then the only solution will be that every family makes their own country. Because after removing people from other religions, there will be left other casts, other provinces who will try to grasp more, who will try to make their hegemony. How far will you go and how far will you remove people from your life on the bases of differences that are self-made.