The real story of a Pakistani Psychopath can be old but it is the most horrifying incident that ever happened. Javed Iqbal, a middle-aged man raped and killed 100 children and threw their bodies into acid.
We love Psychopaths in fictional world, as they seem to be more strong and with the growing popularity of negative characters, they are portrayed as handsome and hot men in dramas and movies. However, when something like this happens in real life, we cannot bear the sight of their horrifying acts.
This is the incident of 1998-2001 when a rapist, a serial killer and a psychopath confessed his crime without any regret or shame. He did crimes from 1998-1999 and died in 2001.
Detail of the Crime and Confession by this Pakistani Psychopath:
Pakistani Psychopath Javed Iqbal, one day surrendered himself to Police and without any regret or fear admit his crime that he is the criminal that Police is searching for months. He proudly introduced himself to Police that “he is Javaid Iqbal, the killer of 100 boys”.
Serial Killer Javed Iqbal used to lure young teens (mostly beggars and runaways) to his apartment in Lahore. He used to give them food and make them comfortable at first. He used to ask them about their life and listen to their stories. He used to click their pictures as a memory. Then he used to suffocate them and put them to death.
This Psychopath put their bodies in acid containers and dissolve them. He keeps a record of the whole procedure.
He confessed all this to the reporters and told them he could even kill 500 and it was not a problem for him. He said, he pledged to kill 100 children and he did not break it. He could not stop before completing his target and after completing it, he is ready to surrender.
The reporters could not beleive this but he showed them the proof of pictures and all the records.
Pakistani Psycopath Javaid Iqbal said that whatever he did, it was in a reaction of unfairness to him. He was charged with sodomy and even when two servants beat him up, Police did not listen to him and accused him wrongly. He said he wanted to take revenge on the world because of hate.

He wanted to see the miseries of the mother of 100 children. The news soon reaches to Public and as expected an outrage burst. Parents gathered to collect their children clothes and shoes from Javaid Iqbal apartment. Javaid Iqbal also confessed to Police but they considered it as mere fantasy.
Then he sent the children pictures and others remaining to Pakistan popular newspaper “Jang“, the reporters came to fetch him. He requested the army to arrest him rather than the local Police. Police arrested two men named Muhammad Shehzad and Muhammed Nadeem as his accomplice. They admitted that they helped the killer in all this horrendous procedure of killing children.
According to the reporters, while narrating the whole scary story of killing and drowning children in the acid, the killer was calm. There were no signs of regrets and shame on his face. Instead, this Pakistani psychopath said, “he is relieved now”.
He also said how it was so easy to dissolve the bodies of victims into that chemicals and what if terrorists know about this whole procedure. He was proud of his actions and that shows he was mentally unstable.
Maybe if the media would be more strong as it is nowadays, we would have more insight into the evil deeds of this Pakistani Psychopath. We believe there would be more reasons or he was just a mentally ill man whom people could not recognize.
He and his accomplice were sentenced to death but committed suicide inside the jail.
The question that arises in my mind is if he was a psychopath or mentally ill, why the other two people agree to be his crime partners? or maybe they were mentally ill too who raped and killed these 100 children.
Recently Pakistani Entertainment Industry has made a movie about this Pakistani serial killer starring Yasir Hussain in the lead role. Although the movie is facing lots of issues and the government also banned it, lets see what will be the future of this Yasir Hussain movie as he has given his best performance. (Trailer)