Raza Samo is a famous Youtuber, entertaining the audience with his Khujlee family channel and also knows as Awesomo Speaks. He is famous for his humour but in his latest vlog, we found him talking about child abuse and asking everyone to take action against child abuse.
Most of the times YouTubers do not talk about social issues or politics in order to avoid conflict between different countries fandom or different countries. It is justified in one way that they focus on to provide entertainment. These YouTubers have a large fan following and people follow them not only in Pakistan but outside of the country. If they will point out some serious social issue, people will listen to them.
Raza Samo is known for his humour and memes. In his latest vlog, Raza Samo narrates an incident where a Qari Sahab ( Quran reciter or man who teaches the Holy Quran to people) mercilessly beaten children.
Children are innocent and it is natural for them to forget their lessons. It is also natural for them to run away from reciting or memorizing the Holy book. However, it is a common concept of people that no one can make a mistake while reading the Quran.
It is also a common concept that children are not allowed to sit comfortably in Madrassa in order to stay active and lean better. Most of the time, they beat children so that they will not make any mistakes.
However, it is said by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) that we should be affectionate towards children. Moreover, it is better to teach children with love, affection, and lessons so that they will not consider it as a burden.
The reason to show affection especially towards children is what they face, see or go through in childhood it affects their whole life. They can stray from the path of religion if they face threat at such a tender age and even the seed of hate can also grow in them.
If Qari Sahab or even other people will teach children with affection and love, Allah will be more pleased. The presence of a respectable personality should be an embodiment of love rather than fear.
People consider clerics as the representative of religion, so if they would be affectionate and show great morals people would be more attracted to religion.
Moreover, the incidents of child abuse in the hands of clerics is also the kind of matter that we should discuss and should not ignore it because of the fear of defame. It is true that clerics are considered to be the representative of religion, but good and evil humans are everywhere. If someone points out some evils regarding this profession too, we should listen to it with bravery and try to eradicate the evil. We should have the courage to discuss abuses/rapes in order to stop them and save our generation from these heinous crimes.
The intention is not to defame Islam neither the aim is to target this noble profession. The problem is when someone who we see as a representative of religion does something bad, people automatically starts questioning about it. The clerics instead of protests against these kinds of defamation and spreading the fear that no one can question them. They should try to find out the reasons because this is the age of reason where many people are straying because they do not have any answer with logic.
It can be a good initiative to talk about serious issues along with entertaining people. We appreciate Raza Samo effort and we hope that other You Tubers who makes funny content will join him in this league.
1 comment
I am totally agree with your opinion