After looking at the comments on Ertugrul cast Instagram’s profiles, we observed people on social media. If you are using any platform of social media, either you are one of these annoying people or these people are a nuisance for you.
Facebook, Youtube, Instagram are the three biggest social media platform where people like to express their thoughts, but there is a large group of people on social media who do not think even for a second before typing some words.
The present article is just an analysis of different people behaviour and responses on social media and after some research, we are presenting before you different types of people on social media that we often see.
Different types of people on social media:
- People who ship onscreen couple and abuse their real-life partners:
This is another level of foolishness where there is nothing wrong to admire two people together, we all do it at some stage in our lives. There would be many of us who ship some drama or movie couple and wish to see them together. Wishing to see a couple together is not wrong unless you start threatening their life partners. Fans become abusive and threaten the life partners of their respective favourite celebrity and comment on their profiles that they should leave them.
2) People who defend abuses with abuses:
This is another level of nuisance and you must have seen a large number of annoying people on social media, who try to protest against some violence or abuse with abuses. You can see them in the comment section of various kinds of posts on different media platforms.
3) The people who do not respond to a male but immediately reply to the females:
These can mostly be seen in Facebook groups where if some question is asked by a female, then everyone try to be a philosopher and try to make her understand. However male Id’s do not get the same response. In fact people harshly response to male Ids for the same question.

4) The people who think it’s their duty to reach in girl inbox right after she comments somewhere:
People still need lots of years or in fact, centuries that a woman or a girl can express her opinion and has the right to comment on everything as much as a man. Right after a comment from girl Id’s pop up, a number of men directly land in her inbox. Where many prefer to make their profile private, still these messages roam in spam and other inbox messages and there are still no rules by Facebook until you are below that age where Facebook thinks it’s inappropriate to text that age group.
5) People who think that the characters are real:
This is one of the biggest misconception that make this group of people a fool infront of others.These are those people who do not have any sense to differentiate between characters and actors.
A recent example can be Ertugral the Turkish drama cast. That drama is based on Islamic history and some people think that the actors should follow the same rules in their real lives. In short, these people expect that the characters and actors are the same, but in reality, these are just fiction and it is an act and from these acts, these people earn lots of money. Moreover, the writers who write these scripts know the psyche of people, so they make them as people want to see and actors do their jobs and get paid for it.
6) People who think that by liking some celebrity, they own their life:
There are still lots of crazy fans out there especially of male celebrity fans who think that they should never marry or date someone. We have seen many female fans crying when their favourite celebrity get married and it is okay but when they start abusing and passing judgments that particular person does not deserve them, it is another level of foolishness.
7) People think that the beautiful girl in the Dp (Display picture) is you:
Where many people prefer to keep their original picture as their profile pic, there is a large number of girls who do not like to keep their original photos as their profile picture. They do not like to attract strangers who reach in the inbox by just looking at the display picture. But if you put some model pic, again the chances are people will roam in your inbox in the search that maybe you will response them.

8) People who think that advertisement of celebrities are true:
We have seen many male and female actors doing cold drinks and other sugary items advertisement. We also watch daily advertisement of different shampoos and other beauty products. There is still a group of people exists that think these celebrities use the same products. No, they do not. They are getting paid for it. People take them in their advertisement because they know that they have a large number of fan following, by watching their favourite celebrity in some particular advertisement urge them to buy that thing.
Do you think, they drink sodas and cold drinks on a regular basis? No, because they know how much calories these include and they need to be slim without any body fat.
9) People who watch dramas, movies and actress but criticize them for their dressing:
This is more like hypocrisy than foolishness. People love to watch dramas, movies and are impressed by the beauty of the actresses. But they pass comments and object their dressing and give them a lesson that they should not do it. Instead of doing this, why people do not unfollow all these people? No, they cannot, because they are interested in all these things but they just like to show off their religiosity.
10) People who do irrelevant comments under some drama or movie on Youtube:
We would like to refer those people who just for getting likes to do irrelevant comments under some drama or other videos. It is hard to understand that what if they will get likes, what they gain from it. But people have their weird kind of hobbies and getting likes in the comment section is one of them. In fact, it can be seen in the Facebook comment section too. There is also a group of people who do religious comments under some Pakistani drama particularly
11) People who criticize celebrities life partners because of their age:
It can be often seen on Pakistani entertainment pages where people like to mock and insult the partner of, especially female celebrities. People on social media also tag them as gold diggers if their life partners look older than them. People also tag them as father-daughter which is itself mocking the instructions of their own religion.
In reality, these are those people who have an eye on the 10 years younger girl to marry and whose mothers prefer to bring a bride for their sons who will be not only younger in age but also should look 10 years young than their sons. Moreover, when these celebrities are happy with each other, who are they to pass remarks. People on social media mock them instead of their happiness. Grapes are sour and nothing else. The same happens in real life though, some people cannot see others happy.
12) People who criticize celebrities for their looks or physical appearance:
It is true when you have money, you go to the best salon and spend money on yourself. If you are working in the entertainment industry, you have to look perfect and here we mean especially female and in this modern age, you have to be slim and have a fair complexion.
Where many people mock these female actors for their surgeries or changing their complexion, it is also a reality that in real life, people like fair complexion women, not only for marriage but overall this is our psyche and we have instilled it in the minds of young girls that fair complexion is acceptable, so they spend lots of money on that. Many girls are rejected because they do not have fair complexion. We reject the notion of craze for surgeries but taking care of yourself and losing weight is the best thing that you can do to yourself.
Our opinion about people on social media:
We have found that many people just for the sake of entertainment and especially getting likes on social media, post silly kind of remarks, they dream of luxurious life, but they cannot. They know that certain kind of evils surrounds them, but they do not like when someone talks about that. People on social media think that no one can see their face and behind the screen, they can do what they want. They tag actresses as immoral, but they are their biggest audience.
We have the opinion that before using social media platform people should learn some ethics, they should learn that what if they are behind the screen, still it is their ethics that can be visible to other people. It is said that think before you speak and the same rule applies on social media.
very interesting