Important Botany and Biology Questions With Answers Series (Part 5)

This is part 5 of the test series which includes important botany and biology questions with answers. These questions are in the form of MCQs about Botany, Biology and Science which will help you in various exams and tests.

The links to the important Botany and Biology questions with answers are given below.

Checkout the links :

Part 1

Part 2nd

Part 3rd

Part 4th

Here are the important MCQs about Botany

1: Spophyte is partially or wholly dependent on which group of plants?

(a) Thallophyta

b) Bryophyta

(c) Pteridophyta

(d) Gymnosperms

Answer: Bryophyta

2: Which of the following are ubiquitous?

(a) Protists

b) Monerans

(c) Plants

(d) Fungi

Answer: Monerans

3: On the basis of evolution, which is the most primitive kingdom of organisms?

(a) Protista

(b) Monera

(c) Plantae

(d) Fungi

Answer: Monera

4: Prokaryotic cells lack:

(a) Nuclear envelope god DNA

b) DNA and mitochondria

(c) Nucleus envelope and membrane bound cell organelles

(d) Mitochondrion and nuclear substance

Answer: Nucleus envelope and membrane bound cell organelles

5: Which of the following plant groups shows maximum adaptability?

(a) Bryophytes

(b) Pteridophytes

(c) Gymnosperms

(d) Angiosperms

Answer: Angiosperms

6: In five kingdom system of classification prokaryotes belong to the kingdom of Whittaker, prokaryotes belong to kingdom:

(a) Protista

(b) Monera

(c) Mycota

(d) Prokaryota

Answer: Monera

7: Which is not included in the classification of Whittaker?

a) Viruses

b) Bacteriophages

(c) Viroids and prions Gay

d) All of these

Answer: All of these

8: According to four kingdom classification, the unicellular, non-nucleated organisms are placed in:

(a) Monera

(b) Protista

(c) Plantac

(d) Animalia

Answer: Monera

9: In the five kingdom system of classification, which single kingdom out of the following can include blue-green algae, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methanogenic archaebacteria?

(a) Monera

(b) Fungi

(c) Plantac

(d) Protista

Answer: Monera

10: Total root parasite having the largest flower is:

(a) Loranthus

(b) Cuscuta

(c) Rafflesia

(d) Lotus

Answer: Rafflesia

11: Both plants and animals are included in which classification?

(a) Tippo’s

(b) Eichler’s

c) Whittaker’s

(d) All of these

Answer: Whittaker’s

12: Oxygenic photosynthesis is a characteristic feature of which kingdom?

(a) Monera

(b) Fungi

(c) Plantae

(d) None of these

Answer: Plantae

13: Which of the following is a precursor of Plantae, Fungi and Animalia kingdoms?

(a) Monera

(b) Protista

(c) Progenote

(d) Archaebacteria

Answer: Protista

14: The practical purpose of the classification of living organisms is to:

(a) Trace the evolution of living organisms

(b) Explain the origin of living organisms

c) Name the living organisms

d) Facilitate the identification of unknown organisms

Answer: Facilitate the identification of unknown organisms

15: The Moneran devoid of cell wall is:

(a) Actinomycetes

b) Eubacteria

c) Mycoplasma

d) Archaebacteria

Answer: Mycoplasma

16: Who proposed the Five Kingdom Classification of organisms?

a) Whittaker

b) Bentham

c) Linnaeus

d) Rivinus

Answer: Whittaker

17: The reason for diversity in living beings is:

(a) Mutation

b) Long term evolutionary change

(C) Gradual change

(d) Short term evolutionary change

Answer: Long term evolutionary change

18: Plant decomposers are:

(a) Monera and fungi

b) Fungi and plants

(c) Protista and animalia

d) Animalia and monera

Answer: Monera and Fungi

19: On how many criteria living organisms have been classified into five kingdom?

(a) Two

(b) Three

c) Four

(d) Five

Answer: Four

20: The basic unit of classification of plants and animals:

a) Genus

b) Species

c) Variety

d) Sub-species

Answer: Species

21: Decomposers are:

a) Autotrophs

(b) Heterotrophs

c) Autoheterotrophs

(d) Organotrophs

Answer: Heterotrophs

22: The main criterion used by Whittaker in his five kingdom classification is:

a) Nuclear character

(b) Serological character

(c) Nutrition

(d) None of these

Answer: Nuclear character

23: In which of the following features gymnosperms resemble angiosperms?

(a) Presence of vessels

(b) Mode of fertilization

(c) Habit of endosperm

(d) Presence of ovule

Answer: Presence of Ovule

24: Fungi differ from other kingdoms in being:

(a) Unicellular decomposers

b) Unicellular consumers

c) Multicellular decomposers

d) Multicellular consumers

Answer: Multicellular decomposers

25: Tallest tree belongs to:

a) Monocots

b) Gymnosperms

c) Pteridophytes

d) None of these

Answer: Gymnosperms

26: Cryptogams are:

a) Naked Seeded plants

b) Non-flowering plants

c) Flowering plants

d) None of these

Answer: Non-flowering plants

27: Flagellum with a single strand and composed of flagellin is found in:

a) Prokaryotes

b) Eukaryotes

c) Both (a) and (b)

d) None of these

Answer: Prokaryotes

28: The greatest extent of adaptation to various environments is seen in:

a) Gymnosperms

b) Angiosperms

c) Bryophytes

d) Ferns

Answer: Angiosperms

29: Angiosperms differ from gymnosperms in:

a) Seeds

b) Fruits

c) Male gametophyte

d) Femlae gametophyte

Answer: Fruits

30: If decomposers on the earth are totally extinct, the most secure effect would be that:

a) Carnivores will not get food

b) Biomagnification

c) Minerals will not get recycled

d) Nitrogen fixation will suffer

Answer: minerals will not get recycled

31: The replacement of two kingdom grouping by five kingdom classification was proposed in the year:

a) 1859

(b) 1758

c) 1969

(d) 1919

Answer: 1969

32: Which of the following is not a character of a monocot?

a) Presence of a single seed leaf

(b) Endosperm present in the mature seed

(c) Leaves with parallel veins and smooth edges

d) Adventitious roots

e) Floral parts as multiple of four or five

Answer: Floral parts as multiple of four and five

33: The plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are grouped under:

(a) Bryophytes

b) Sporophytes

c) (Thallophytes

d) Cryptogams

Answer: Cryptogams

34: Which of the following pairs of plants is not seed producer?

a) Fanaria and Ficus

b) Fanaria and Fern

c) Punica and Pimus

(d) Ficus and Chlamydomonas

Answer: Funaria and Fern

35: Which of the following pairs correctly represents the grouping spermatophyta according to one of the schemes of classifying plants?

a) Pinas, Cycas

b) Ginkgo, Pisum

(c) Acacia, Casuarina

(d) Rhizopus, Triticum

Answer: Ginkgo, Pisum

36: Which of the following is true for angiosperms?

a) They have naked seeds

b) They are not cryptogams

(c) They have tracheids

(d) They lack companion cells

Answer: They are not Cryptogams

37: Cyanobacteria is:

a) Algae having blue-green pigment

b) Algae having red pigment

(c) Algae having brown pigment

(d) Algae having yellow-brown pigment

Answer: Algae having blue-green pigment

38: Tallest Angiosperms is:

a) Eucalyptus

(b) Red wood tree

c) Oak tree

(d) Pinus

Answer: Eucalyptus

39: Phenetic classification of organisms is based on:

a) Observable characteristics of existing organisms

b) The ancestral lineage of existing organisms

c) Dendrogram based on DNA characteristics

d) Sexual characteristics

Answer: Observable characteristics

40: Angiosperms have dominated the land flora primarily because of their

(a) Power of adaptability in diverse habitat

(b) Property of producing a large number of seeds

(c) Nature of self pollination

(d) Domestication by man

Answer: Power of adaptability in diverse habitat

41: Flowers in which only one set of essential organs is present are said to be

(a) Bisexual

(b) Monoecious

(c) Dioccious

d) Unisexual

Answer: Unisexual

42: Mosses and ferns are found in moist and shady places because both:

(a) Require the presence of water for fertilization

(b) Do not need sunlight for photosynthesis

(c) Depend for their nutrition on micro-organisms which can survive only at low temperature

(d) Cannot compete with sun-loving plants

Answer: Require the presence of water for fertilization

43: A plant which lives for a few days is called:

(a) Annual

(b) Perennial

(c) Biennial

(d) Ephemeral

Answer: Ephemeral

44: The most primitive of the following are:

(a) Cyanobacteria

(b) Bryophytes

(c) Gymnosperms

(d) Monocots

Answer: Cyanobacteria

45: Kingdom Protista includes:

(a) Amoeba, Euglena, Chlamydomonas

(b) Amoeba, Euglena, Escherichia

(c) Amoeba, Euglena, Pseudomonas

(d) Amoeba, Euglena, Penicillium

Answer: Amoeba, Euglena, Chlamydomonas

46: In five-kingdom system of classification of R.H. Whittaker, how many kingdoms contain eukaryotes?

a) Four

b) One

c) Three

d) Two

Answer: Four

47: Modern system of classification classified organisms in….kingdoms

(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Four

(d) Five

Answer: Five

48: Tallest tree is::

(a) Sequoia

(b) Eucalyptus

(c) Pinus

(d) Rannunculus

Answer: Sequoia

49: Which one of the following is a prokaryote:

(a) Entamoeba

(b) Saccharomyces

(c) Paramecium

d) E. coli

Answer: E.coli

50: The largest eggplant kingdom belongs to:

(a) Cycas

(b) Pinus

(c) Pridium

(d) Mangifera

Answer: Cycas

51: How many sub-phyla are available in Tracheata, according to Tippo’s classification of kingdom Plantae?

(a) 4

(b) 6

(c) 8

(d) 10

Answer: 4

52: In light of the recent classification of living organisms into three domains of life (bacteria, archaea and eukarya) which one of the following statements is true about archaea?

a) Archaea completely differ from both prokaryotes and eukaryotes

b) Archae completely differ from prokaryotes

c) Archae resemble Eukarya in all respects

d) Archae have some novel features that are absent in other prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Answer: Archaea have some novel features that are absent in other prokaryotes and eukaryotes

53: Which one of the following does not belong to Kingdom Monera?

A) Mycoplasma

b) Archaebacteria

c) Slimemould

d) Eubacteria

Answer: Slime mould

54: Two kingdoms constantly figured in all biological classifications are:

a) Plantae and Animalia

b) Monera and Animalia

c) Protista and Animalia

d) Protista and Plantae

Answer: Plantae and Animalia

55: A phylum common to unicellular animals and plants:

a) monera

b) Protista

c) Plantae

d) Fungi

Answer: Protista

56: The most widespread group of organisms on earth belong to Kingdom:

a) Monera

b) Protista

c) Fungi

d) Plantae

Answer: Plantae

57: Which one belongs to Monera?

a) Amoeba

b) Escherichia

c) Gelidium

d) Spirogyra

Answer: Escherichia

58: Protozoan protists are differentiated on the basis of:

a) Nuclei

b) Size

c) Shape

d) Locomotary structure

Answer: Locomotary structure

These are some of the important botany questions with answers. Checkout all the articles to learn better.

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